About Me

Aside from my obvious hobby of writing, I also enjoy reading and tabletop RPGs/Wargames.

Politically I'm quite thoroughly on the left and a big believer that billionaires should not exist. The world is more than enough for all of us, and that would be a lot easier to see if we didn't have a tiny handful of crooks hoarding gold like they think it will fill whatever deep and miserable hole there is in their hearts.

I'm a vegetarian and to the best of my ability what I would call philosophically vegan - that is, I prefer to avoid using animal products or byproducts where possible, even if I'm not strictly committed to a vegan lifestyle.

Trans rights are human rights, and people of every flavour and variety of queer have always existed and will always exist. Anyone upset by that can deal with it, and anyone who thinks gays got invented recently as a political stunt can educate themselves.

Gender is a social construct. Everything about modern capitalist society is artificial and nothing about it is set in stone as the way things have to be. You can and should strive for a better world.

99% of wars in human history didn't need to happen and the 1% that did could and probably should have ended sooner. I say this as someone with an interest in military history, whose idea of a good time is a book about WW1.

I'm not fool enough to put anything immediately personally identifying on here, so I'm afraid opinions are all you get :)
